
Sexy sketches time

...and now i'm sure you're going to say something sexy as well. Something like, "Is that it??". But I know what you're trying to say. You're trying to say, "Oh yeah, that's it!". And you tell me you want some more. Well, I'm not suprised...

But I am quite sleepy....


Shobo said...

Crikey, that's a lot of boobage. I think it's great you're sketching forms so often, it can really only help strengthen your anatomy.



*snicker* no seriously though, it will.

Evan said...

Thank's Shobbykins. I'm really enjoying drawing pin-ups. But, i still have a long way to go before i'm good. I can tell i'm getting better, but i'm not there yet.

Shobo said...

What you didn't get the "strengthen your anatomy" joke?! Come ON! I thought that was gold!

Evan said...

I got it! And i thought it was actually pretty good. But, I was assuming from the joke, that my drawings were actually helping to strengthen your anatomy a bit and i didn't want to draw attention to it.

You know, your strengthened anatomy.